In the event a request for transmission service is received, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) will work with the requestor to process the request in a fair and timely manner. If the transmission service request has a termination point with an entity other than AECC, AECC will work with the other entity to process the request and assist the other entity in its evaluation of the request when possible. Depending on the request, a process and study similar to the ones used for small generator interconnections may be required. The process will be adapted to insure that the impacts of the transmission service interconnection are identified and addressed to the satisfaction of all parties affected. If the interconnection impacts other utilities, the utility may require its own studies to be performed under its processes. In such cases, AECC will coordinate between the requestor and the other party or parties.

Transmission facilities that create an interconnection between two Balancing Authorities will be subject to the Southwest Power Pool Transmission Working Group Interconnection Review Process. A copy of this process can be found on the Southwest Power Pool Website. Transmission facilities that create an interconnection between two Balancing Authorities in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) footprint will be subject to the MISO Planning Sub Committee Review Process. A copy of this process can be found on the MISO Website. Transmission interconnections may be subject to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved mandatory North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards applicable to Transmission Owners and possibly Transmission Operators as defined by NERC.